Safe Link Converter
Encrypting your link and protect the link from viruses, malware, thief, etc!
Made your link safe to visit.
Made your link safe to visit.
How to use our tool:
- Click on How To Use menu above.
- Click on the code and CTRL + C on your keyboard.
- Paste the code in your HTML blog theme before the </body>.
- Save your HTML blog theme. you are done!
- Now, your blog's outbound links was encrypted!
Your link show here
Now we can take a backup of documents, Pictures, Music files, and Videos etc. and store those online into cloud storage (Uploading). It's just like an online briefcase or hard drive where all your files could be stored and view at any time easily and safely.
What is Google Drive
We can get access to Google Drive from your PC's, Smart Phones, Tabs from anywhere you are. You can upload and download the files from anywhere. You would be provided with 15 GB free storage for Google Drive. That seems to be enough free space for a user, in case you required more space for your Google Drive. Then you have to pay few dollars to google to extend the space for your Google Drove. It just depends on your usage. And Moreover, your documents can be accessed by anyone and anywhere to whom you allow to get access to the files. And both can view or edit the same documents and files at the same time from various locations.
Now Let's see how to open google drive. There are two options to access it Open your browser and type It will ask for your Gmail Login credentials username and password. Access it by providing both the inputs. The second one is to access google drive from your Gmail Type into your browser and access your Gmail. You can find a grid at the top right side of the window. Click on that and choose drive icon amongst the various others.
How to Save an email attachment to Google Drive ?
1. Open you Gmail and look for an email which is having an attachment.
2. After opening the email, While put your mouse cursor on the attachment it will show two options
Download - By clicking on this we can download that attachment in your PC.
Save to Drive - By clicking on this we can save it directly Email to google drive. Isn't that's cool...!!! No need to download the data and again uploading to the Google Drive. As we click on it, a small pop-up appears for the directory where it to be get saved, create a folder to save that file in it or click on "Done". that's all. Now we can check the file or folder which will appear in google drive and access it.
How to Upload a file in Google Drive
1. Open Google Drive
2. At the left corner of the window, we will be able to see a up-arrow icon, next to create button.
3. Click on the up arrow icon and it will show two options
1. Upload Files
2. Upload Folder
Choose files to upload a file, and folder to upload the entire folder.